Sunday, August 21, 2011

Movie ReWatch #1 : Misery

I am such a big fan of Stephen King movies and "Misery" is one of my favorites alongside with The Green Mile and The Shining. Misery is one of the most respected horror films and simply untouchable. No one could ever replace Kathy Bates and her role as Annie Wilkes. She won an Academy Award for this.
The story is about the writer Paul Sheldon (James Caan) who became successful because of his novels involving the character of Misery Chastain. One day he was caught in a blizzard and his car goes off the road. He was then rescued by Annie Wilkes (Kathy Bates) and brought hi to her house. His legs were broken, making Paul a bedridden and incapacitated and Annie promised him that she will soon take him to the nearest hospital as soon as the road is open which was blocked by snow that time. Annie admitted that she is Paul's number one fan and she read all his novels.
She buys a copy of Paul's latest book, Misery's Child, but after learning that he has "killed off" Misery, Annie flies into a rage, almost smashing a table on Paul's head.
Annie Revealed that nobody knows where Paul is and most of them thought that he's dead. Paul tries to escape but Annie locked him inside. He even try kill Annie during a candlelit dinner but he failed. He asked Paul to burn his newest manuscripts and write a new one and bring her Misery back to live. During another escape attempt, Paul finds a scrapbook of newspaper clippings about his disappearance and Annie's past. He discovers that she was suspected and tried for several infants' deaths.

Meanwhile, the local Sheriff is investigating Paul's disappearance and visits Annie, prompted by discovering a quote she used from a Misery book during her trial years earlier. While there, he finds that Paul has been drugged and hidden in the basement. Annie shoots and kills him.Paul finished his book and requested Annie to give him a cigarette and a glass of champagne since it is his habit after ending a novel.
Annie gave him the cigar and a glass of champagne, and then he asked Annie to get another glass to join him drinking. When Annie returns, he sets the book on fire. She tries to put out the fire, but Paul hits her head with the typewriter. Annie shoots him in the shoulder and he lunges at her. During the ensuing fight, Paul trips Annie, causing her to land head-first on the typewriter. Annie lunges at him but he strikes her over the head with a small steel pig statue, killing her.

It was such an amazing movie and never get tired of watching it over and over again. This is when the movie is still innocent and not so daring. Kudos for Misery

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